Thursday, February 13, 2014

our flat tire vs their flat tire

i picked up my husband on the way home from work.. and almost as usual, we had flat tire. i don't know why, but we often got flat tire whenever we ride together.

we started to feel that there was something wrong with the back tire not long after we ride the motor, but we were unsure, so we keep on riding the motor. in the next 5 minutes, we were SURE that we had flat tire, so we stopped, and looked around looking for tire repairman..

there he was.. the tire repairman... worked hard pulling two tire out of a car.. oh my.. it's going to be long, my husband whispered.. well what to do then.. we just had to wait...

after like half an hour of waiting, finally the tire repairman turned his direction to our motor, and started to check the tire.. oh wow.. he said.. we cannot save the inner tube, the damage is too much..
what?? i just changed the inner tube like two weeks ago! it was because i noticed the flat tire at home, and i still had to drop the children to school and the repairman was much to far from home.. so i just HAD to ride to find him (excuses..excuses.. i know it is 'forbidden' to ride on flat tire.. but what can i do then?)

did you ride on flat tire? the repairman asked.. and my husband and i looked at each other.. well.. hmmm.. yes maybe.. but not for long! i added quickly.. the repairman frowned..


the next morning as usual after i drop my children to school, i went to vegetable stall near home to find something to cook. from a distance i noticed two ladies on a scooter talking to each other. and i noticed they did not realize that they had flat tire! almost flat actually.. wanted them to avoid the same experience like me spending quite some money to replace inner tube (twice!) because of riding on flat tire, i hurriedly told them.. hey.. you have flat tire!

the two ladies seemed surprised to hear me. and then they looked down.. and the lady at the back started laughing.. in a quite embarrassed way .. oh my.. i'm much to heavy, she laughed.. she (the lady at the back pointed the lady at the front seat of the scooter) already told me i'm to heavy to piggybacking her scooter.. but i'm insist..hahaha..

ouch.. i whispered in my heart.. i don't know how to respond to this.. so i just smiled and rode away.. feeling awkward while passing them by.. the lady at the front seat looked at her companion awkwardly too.

now i just notice that they BOTH were actually quite BIG.. oh dear.. may be it was not flat tire after all.. maybe it was because of their weight.... ooohhh.. me and my quasi-hero..

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